T-72B mod 84 vs 105mm OFL-105-G1 (Armor Penetration)

105mm OFL-105-G1 (19x375 mm, tungsten alloy penetrator) at 1590m/s vs T-72B mod 84 (T-72A “Improved“) transitional model upper front plate (60mm RHA, 3x15mm HHS, 50mm RHA) 105mm CN-105-57 (105mm mle 57) muzzle velocity - 1475m/s. The velocity was raised above the muzzle velocity to have a similar effect to the previous simulation but for a 155mm plate so that the simulated armor layout can be compared with a solid plate. Conclusions: The arrangement with the relatively thick inner HHS plates was designed to damage the tip of the rod. In previous simulations I have shown that the rod breaks quite easily, in this case the damage to the tip was however quite limited. It can be argued that with too much elongation at the break of the rod, such an armor arrangement becomes less effective. Nevertheless, the inner plates took enough energy from the rod to make it “slide“ over the last plate.
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