Israel’s favourite media mouthpiece just got COOKED!

There’s nothing quite as satisfying as watching an spokesperson for Israel trip up in an interview, but this Israel apologist manages it twice! Right, so one of the biggest problems any media face is, that when they finally get to interview somebody on behalf of the genocidal Israeli state these days, too often they get lumbered with an aggressive little man called David Mencer, who seems to get as much joy out of the nonsense he spews in defence of the indefensible as he does accusing various media outlets of having an agenda against Israel in how they choose to ask a question. But of all outlets to accuse of having an anti Israel, pro Palestine agenda, to accuse the BBC of it, well, to say that’s jumping the shark feels like a bit of an understatement. Nonetheless, Mishal Husain of Radio 4’s Today program and Jayne Secker over on Sky who got similar treatment, though held her ground well. Both had the thankless task of dealing with Mencer and both exposed him for the petulant, dishonest and frankly abusive individual he is, who Israel think makes for a good representative of their country to Western media. If they wonder why more and more people are turning against them, aside from the obvious scenes of genocide we’ve all witnessed, then the way he chooses to aggressively defend that doesn’t help your case and given he was being interviewed on two big mainstream media outlets, neither of whom are known for being ostensibly anti Israel in their coverage, the fact he ended up coming off so badly, is a direct reflection of himself. Mencer cooked himself in those interviews, because he’s nowhere near as big and clever as he thinks he is. Right, so those were clips from the Mishal Husain Radio 4 interview, edited down by the brilliant Saul Staniforth on Twitter, along with a clip of Jayne Secker’s interview with Mencer as well and it’s not hard to see how the former Labour Friends of Israel Director and former Director at pro Israel PR firm Weber Shandwick, where he was at the same time as now Labour MP and always Israel Lobbyist Luke Akehurst, got absolutely battered mainly as a result of putting his foot in it repeatedly with his own overly aggressive responses. I can only ponder on the delusions of adequacy this man must have of himself to think he’s up to the job of being a spokesperson for a nation state, especially one in as bad a need for PR as Israel is, but the filth that came out of his mouth during those interviews, he’ll be getting headhunted by Thames Water before much longer if he carries on like that. Husain asked him about torture camps for Palestinian detainees and the soldiers in the IDF who take selfies of themselves, the videos they’ve taken, which they upload to social media with the destruction they’ve committed and the prisoners they’ve taken and put to Mencer that this is a picture being painted of how Israel is waging this war and he called her a winner of the pro Palestine reporter of the year award, bringing into question her impartiality. ***Subscribe to the channel here*** ►ABOUT ME: Hi, I’m Damien Willey. I’m a former welder, but now I’m a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on ) I’m an unpaid carer for my disabled wife and daughter and as such we know all too well the difficulties that associated with that living in Tory Britain and I personally believe the answer lies in socialism. This channel, along with my other social media act as outlets to push back against that, to demand better of our politicians and leaders, to pull apart the media spin that supports them and the way the UK is run and to give a voice, loud as mine is, to the voiceless. ►CONTACT: Email: @ ►SUPPORT: If you appreciate the importance of alternative media in the UK and enjoy my work please consider financially supporting it. Various options to suit all budgets, please visit to find out more. Please support Independent Media. ►SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS Alternatively please share this video on your favourite social media & if you’d like to see what I get up to elsewhere, yoy can also find links to my presence elsewhere at Damo Rants Kernow Damo israel,israel hamas war,israel news,israel war,gaza,israel occupation,hamas,israel media,israel spokesperson,david mencer,david mencer interview,palestine,mishal husain,mishal husain david mencer,david mencer sky news,david mencer mishal husain,david mencer jayne secker,jayne secker,jayne secker david mencer,b’tselem,idf,b’tselem report,israel torture camps,israel prisons,b’tselem prison report,b’tselem welcome to hell,kernow damo,damo rants,damo
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