Colour Management Monday - Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera

Colour Management Monday - Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera Each Monday’s we’ll be looking at different colour management for different camera’s We’re starting off with the original Black magic pocket cinema camera. A really great camera with some fantastic colour science. Whatever camera you’re using, cheap or expensive, it’s important to have some solid colour management. let me know what camera you would like to see. You can download the Black Magic Pocket 4k footage from the links below. I want to help you become a better colourist in DaVinci Resolve but also teach you the ins and out of this amazing software. We talk about about colour grading. editing and someone simple tricks that will help you get the most out of this amazing software. Davinci Resolve can be intimidating when you first open it up, but I assure you with some basic lessons and some know how from someone who’s been using it for years, you’ll be set in no time. Colour grading, editing and solid tips, its all in there. Good luck and thanks for watching. If you wanna help out the channel and more importantly me (need money for biscuits and cheese) you can chuck a few bucks through buy me a coffee. Money goes into better content and improved jokes... cheers for watching.
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