My first fully colored animatic! Not sure if I’ll do it again, but it is nice to see the final result like this. There are some areas I wish I could’ve slowed down on and let things breathe, but the song moves fast so I made do with what I got. Overall, it was good practice, as usual!
Anyway! Shadilver is a dynamic that I really think deserves more attention, because their few interactions are really interesting, and their respective roles create a lot of parallels that I would love to see expanded upon in canon. This animatic is basically just a re-imagination of their moments in ’06, with a little bit of extra at the end.
Basically, at the end of ’06 when the candle gets blown out and everyone is supposed to lose their memories because none of it actually happened, Shadow and Silver still feel that something’s missing, and Silver is still in the present, not the future. As they explore Soleanna during the festival, they find each other again, and immediately fee
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