Ganymed - Takes You Higher (1978) [Vinyl-to-Cassette Rip]

Ganymed - Takes you Higher (1978) Track List: 0:30 : It Takes Me Higher 5:36 : Robot Love 9:17 : Wonderful Girl 12:21 : Ju-Jupiter 16:04 : Movin’ All The Stars 20:00 : Hyperspace 23:18 : Saturn 27:33 : Movin’ On A Disco Planet 31:53 : Come On And Dance 36:52 : S’punk 40:33 : Music Drives Me Crazy Registratore: Technics RS-BX828 Il Frontale del Tape Deck e’ stato rimosso per dare una miglior visuale della cassetta (essendo privo della Lucetta sul Nastro). Registrato su Audio Cassetta dal Vinile. Sorgente Audio: Diretto dalla presa Cuffia. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tape Deck: Technics RS-BX828 The Front of the Tape Deck has been removed to give a better view of the cassette (being without the Light on the Tape Itself). Recorded on Audio Cassette from Vinyl. Audio Source: Directly from Headphone Jack.
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