One Hour of Music - José Antonio Primo de Rivera

“We have a determined faith that all genuine sources of Spain are alive. Spain has come down for a triple division: for the division engendered by local separatisms, for the division engendered between the parties, for the division engendered by the class struggle. When Spain finds a collective enterprise that understands all these differences, Spain will once again be great as in its best times“ 0:00 Líder (Leader) 4:38 Cara al Sol (Facing the Sun) [Daniele Serra’s Version] 7:17 Falangista Soy (I’m Falangist) [Old Recording] 10:02 Jota por la Muerte de José Antonio (J for the Death of José Antonio) 12:22 ¡Viva la Revolución! (Hail the Revolution!) 13:20 Gloria a José Antonio (Glory to José Antonio) 14:05 Patria en Pie (Fatherland Standing) 15:15 Con Nuestro Emblema (With Our Emblem) 17:02 Mi Camisa Vieja Vestiré (My Old Shirt I’ll Dress) 18:57 Cruzada de Juventudes (Youth Crusade) 20:05 Juventud del SEU
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