Transplating Large Indoor Plants

I have two large indoor plants that needed to be repotted. The Philodendron selloum was in a plastic nursery pot and I wanted to transfer it into a terra cotta planter. The Monstera deliciosa I thought was root bound and needed to be repotted, but as it turned out, it was not root bound. I ended up transplanting it anyway. I added fresh soil and now it can grow in this container for at least a few more years. In this video I asked for help from my husband as I was slightly terrified at handling the large houseplant solo. It was helpful having him navigate the sprawling foliage. I braved the Monstera by myself, and luckily all went well. Preparing before hand makes a huge difference when attempting to transfer a mature plant. The soil mixture I used was 1/2 potting soil ( peat moss, worm castings and perlite) 1/2 peat moss Late winter early spring is a great time to transfer larger plants as it gives them a full growing season to develop roots and push out new vegetation. Ideally transplanting outs
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