Camera Car With Pan Tilt Control | ESP32Cam

In this video we are going to make upgraded Camera Car with Pan Tilt Control. Using this Pan Tilt Assembly we can rotate the camera horizontally and vertically from 0 to 180 degree. We will capture images using esp32 camera and send these images to our mobile phone using websocket through wi-fi connection. We will control car using our own mobile app. We have resolved some of the issues related to esp32cam with servos. I have explained in details each step along with code. 👉 Please subscribe: 👉 Components list: ✅ ESP32 Cam module (Canada ) (India ) ✅ Pan Tilt Servo assembly (Canada ) (India ) ✅ SG90 servo motors (Canada ) (India ) ✅ 4WD car kit (Canada ) (India ) ✅ L2
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