Dan Tirels Monoprinting Acrylic on stretched canvas (painting without brushes)

#monoprinting #dantirels #abstract #acrylicpaint Dan Tirels Acrylic paint on stretched canvas no brushes Acrylic paint on canvas. Using monoprinting techniques. Stretched canvas 20“ x 16“ primed with 4 coats of primer to achieve a highly smooth surface. Method : Begin with the lightest colour (Cadmium Yellow). Use torn paper to protect the canvas from paint, at this stage you can draw out a rough composition or improvise as the work begins to evolve. I prefer to work in this way, although I always plan the colours that I will use and leave the composition to develop as I work. Apply a thin layer of paint onto the plastic transfer sheet and then carefully begin to lay the paint onto the canvas. Use various degrees of pressure with your fingers or soft rag, use a blunt pencil or cotton bud to achieve lines. While the paint is still wet take a damp sponge and work over the paint (not too much) When you are satisfied with this first layer leave it to dry before moving
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