TERRIFYING “End Of Universe“ Scenario Revealed!

Scientists and space organizations are continuously working to save us from any catastrophe from above like asteroids are even the harmful rays. They are searching for other Earth-like planets and the billionaire Elon Musk is even working on making a second home for us on Mars, so when Earth is destroyed, we can have some other place to live on. But there is one thing that these scientists and the likes of NASA can not protect us from and that is the end of our universe. Welcome to Cosmos lab, your one station for all the news from space. Join us in today’s video to find out about a truth, that might be the end of us. According to some estimates, the universe and all we know will cease to exist in 22 billion years, but other scientists think that it has reached the end of its life cycle and only has 2.8 billion years left, putting it in the final eighth of its lifespan. However, one thing that most scientists do agree on is that the universe will eventually die. Along with the when, there’s also the how, with
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