Ice Age l Ice Age Layout Reel 2013 l Tim Lannon l 3D Animation Internships
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Reel Breakdown:
Scrat sequence - responsible for all camera, character, and prop animation in the layout version. Copyright Blue Sky Studios, Inc.
Army sequence - responsible for all camera, character, and prop animation in the layout version. Avalanche fx provided by Reel FX fx team. Copyright Blue Sky Studios, Inc.
Christmas rock opening sequence - responsible for all camera, character, and prop animation in the layout version, except smooth walk cycles were provided by the animation team and re-timed by me as needed. Stepped key walks, and all other character animation in the layout version, were blocked by me. Copyright Blue Sky Studios, Inc.
Minion motion ride - responsible for final camera animation and blocking/timing characters and props, including the re-timing and placement of lasers and coordination of lasers with camera animation. Worked cooperatively with character animator on camera changes and laser changes. Initial previs provided by Third F