Woah! This was a huge video to make! Original idea is from •°𝙈𝙇𝙋 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧°•, they let me post my video (Thank you!)
You can kind of see how much I’ve improved just in this one video, the animation at the beginning is worse than the ones at the end 😄
This took me a long time to make, I sure hope you guys like it!
This is my first time doing a song animation, normally I just do memes haha
Also did anybody notice how in the intro (the blurred part) Cheerilee’s tail changes? Lol, also her eyes don’t have the little shiny bits
I wish I would’ve put move movement into her body but I’m too lazy lol
Huge thanks to all the vector makers! Links are below
Have a great day!
Used for Body
Eye base used - goldbullet -
Cutie Mark - uxyd -
Normal Cheerilee - Durpy -
1980s Cheerilee - uxyd -
AJ base (Used for body) - ElementalAlchemist03 -
Mouths - Jeatz-Axl -
Backgrounds (In order)
Classroom - Birdco -
Party - (Took it from google, sorry I don’t know who made it!)
Tree - ikillyou12 -
Stage - moonwhisperderpy -
Balcony - 90Sigma -
Celestia’s ’car’ - Screenshot
Celestia - 90Sigma -
Bushes - ikillyou12 -
Library - Jeatz-Axl -
Snips - Jeatz-Axl -
Snails - Jeatz-Axl -
Fluttershy’s Living Room - grievousfan -
Trixie’s Stage - EvilFrenzy -
Guitar - MLPCreativeLab -
Boutique - Shadowwolf -
Mannequin - LenaBurntfire -
MLP:FiM is trademarked property of Hasbro. Created by Lauren Faust
Song -
Inspiration/Original - •°𝙈𝙇𝙋 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧°• -
Twitter -
DA -
1 view
2 months ago 00:44:11 1
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2 months ago 00:17:49 1
🔥 Блокада, КОТОРОЙ не было: зачем СССР заморил ГОЛОДОМ ленинградцев?