Exploring the Biblical Qumran Area in the Judean Desert near the Dead Sea.

Join us on an expedition through the historic Biblical Qumran Area nestled in the Judean Desert, near the shores of the Dead Sea. Embark on a journey of ancient discovery as we delve into the world of the Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls amidst the breathtaking landscapes of the Judean Desert. Join us as we explore the area of Qumran, where these invaluable manuscripts were unearthed, shedding light on centuries of religious and historical significance. Winter, 1PM, 25°C / 77°F 💚💚💚 Thank You Very Much for Your Support: 1. 💚 YouTube: @DimaWalker/join 2. 💚 PayPal: 3. 💚 Сoffee: Route timestamps: 00:00 Qumran River / Judean Desert. 55:22 Qumran National Park. All Routes on Google Maps: 💚 My Other Channels:
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