Víkingur Ólafsson, Michael A. Muller, Heather Woods Broderick – Bird as Prophet

Discover full concert performances and operas on STAGE , the new streaming service from Deutsche Grammophon: Stream the full EP “From Afar – Reworks” here: Víkingur Ólafsson’s latest album, From Afar, was met with widespread acclaim, praised for its evocative and contemplative beauty. Recorded on both upright and grand pianos, From Afar reflects on the pianist’s childhood memories in Iceland and features works by Bach, Mozart, Schumann, Brahms, Bartók, Thomas Adès and György Kurtág, alongside Icelandic and Hungarian folk songs. Inspired by Ólafsson’s remarkable interpretations, six contemporary composers have now produced a set of six atmospheric reinventions of works from the album. His musical tales captured the imagination of Álfheiður Guðmundsdóttir, Herdís Stefánsdóttir, Michael A. Muller, Snorri Hallgrímsson, Helgi Jonsson and Christian Badzura. Subscribe here for more classical video clips – The Best Of Classical Music: _______________ Find Deutsche Grammophon Online Homepage: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Newsletter: _______________ 最优质古典音乐 – 此处订阅: Le meilleur de la musique classique. Pour vous abonner cliquez ici: 最高のクラシック音楽―登録はこちら: 최고의 클래식음악을 구독하세요: Подписаться на лучшую классическую музыку:: La mejor música clásica - Suscríbase aquí: #deutschegrammophon #classicalmusic #stage
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