With the outdated, spurious allegations, generated by a TABLOID, and for some reason, treated as historical fact by everyone from the Huffington Post to Breitbart News... it’s time to load up the F-18 and drop some TRUTH BOMBS.
Table of Contents:
00:02:53 - M.J.’s ’Kiddie Pronz’ (Annihilating the ’New’ Allegations)
00:07:30 - The 1993 Allegations
00:11:13 - Jordan Chandler’s ’Confession’
00:17:35 - The Matter of The Media
00:19:42 - Michael’s ’Child Sex Alarm’
00:20:48 - “B-But Michael Sleeps In The Same
1 month ago 01:41:51 1
The Son of Monte Cristo (1940) Swords Flash in the Night! Romance Rides With Danger!