The Allan Memorial Institute: (1953-1973) - CIA Project MKUltra - McGill Univ. - Montreal

This is a video for: “The Allan Memorial Institute“ and the CIA’s illlegal experiments on humans, during the years 1953-1973, under the name “Project MKUltra“. Children and adults were used as guinea pigs, from Canadian & American First Nations 8 Tribes, White Rich, Middle & Lower Class Families, Canadian & American Armed Forces, Doctors, Nurses, Scientists ..and many others. There are also videos in this channel for many North, South & Central American Tribes & First Nations, Residential Schools, Chiefs, Elders, Historical Events, Indigenous Concerns, Quotes, Environmental Youth Activists.. and much more. ------------------------------------------------ “The Allan Memorial Institute“ (AMI), (French: Institut Allan Memorial), also known colloquially as: “The Allan“, is a former psychiatric hospital and research institute, located at 1025 Pine Avenue West, in Montreal, Quebec. Many of the “experiments“ done there included:
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