Dance Like Its Your Life ♫ AMV Аниме-клип

Новости AMV во Вконтакте: Автор: Synaesthesia Этот клип на канале автора: Этот клип на AMVnews: Аниме: Space Dandy, Blend S, Chio’s School Road, Lucky Star, Nichijou, K-ON!, Hinako Note, Sarazanmai, Miss Kobayashi’s Maid Dragon, Girls’ Last Tour, Love Chunibyo and other delusions, Hisone to Masotan, Pop Team Epic, Lu Over the Wall, Hibike! Euphonium, Himouto Umaru chan, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind, Kizuna Ai, Beyond the Boundray Музыка: Thumpasaurus — “Dance like its your life“
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