The Transformation of Daryl Dixon

The transformation of Daryl Dixon, season 1 to 9. This is my updated version of the classic story of Daryl Dixon video that most of you should know by now. I have remastered that video by adding a few small clips here and there, fixing a lot of the audio issues, recolouring it and upgrade it visually a little bit. Besides that I have of course added an entire new season worth of material. Season 9 is 5-6 minutes long in this video due to the fact that Daryl had such a prominent role in the season. The reason I named this the transformation, instead of the story again is because I want to keep things fresh; new titles. Just saying “The Story of Daryl Dixon UPDATED” or something feels a bit flat, no offense to anyone who does that! But I like to use different names, if I ever update it again, I’ll probably name it the Evolution of Daryl Dixon. Besides all that I wanted to experiment a bit with the title, some people commented on my story of Daryl video that they thought I was gonna explain his backs
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