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Stephen Moore’s book Govzilla is a fun and educating read: As a former advisor to President Trump, Moore played a crucial role in shaping economic policies. Stephen Moore, economist, author, and Distinguished Fellow in Economics at The Heritage Foundation, joins Stephen Gardner to unravel the economic challenges facing the nation. We delve into critical issues: 1. **National Debt Concerns**: With the national debt surpassing $34 trillion, Moore sheds light on the daunting task of conceptualizing its repayment. We explore whether creditors may demand full repayment instead of interest-only payments and discuss the potential bankruptcy of the nation. 2. **BRICS and the Petro Dollar**: Moore discusses the efforts of BRICS nations to challenge the US Petro Dollar and the potential implications for the global economic landscape. 3. **Central Banks and Gold Reserves**: Examining the trend of central banks worldwide accumulating gold, we question why the USA seems indifferent to this strategy. Moore offers insights into the significance of gold reserves for central banks. 4. **Limited Government and Progressive Income Tax**: Inspired by Senator Rand Paul’s preference for topics related to limited government, we explore Moore’s perspective on limited government and the drawbacks of a progressive income tax. 5. **DC as a Swamp**: Moore characterizes Washington, DC, as a swamp, citing examples of bureaucratic complexities and challenges. He outlines the issues addressed in his book “Govzilla“ and the motivation behind writing it. 6. **“Govzilla“ Insights**: Moore provides an overview of his book “Govzilla,“ explaining its purpose and the valuable insights readers can gain from it. The book explores the intricate web of government expansion and its impact on both the economy and individual freedoms. Throughout the conversation, Moore shares his wealth of knowledge and experiences, offering a compelling perspective on the economic landscape. Discover more about the intricate issues discussed in “Govzilla“ and gain a deeper understanding of the economic challenges facing the nation. Dive into the conversation with Stephen Moore and explore the complexities of government, economics, and individual liberties. #biden #useconomy2022 #recession #stockmarket #dailynews #fauci #trump #dowjones #sandp500 #gold #socialsecurity #ssi #ssdi #ssa #irs #douglasmacgregor #scottritter #putin #russia #russiaukrainewar
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