Video by Aleksandra Opalic

In Orsk, 43 huskies waited for more than a day to be rescued from the flood - now rescuers are evacuating them Earlier, eyewitnesses, passing by the Volna beach, heard a frantic howl - these were huskies, surrounded by the elements, calling for help. It turned out that there were more than 40 animals there, far from land: they spent two days in a flooded nuursery without water or food. Their owner remained with them all this time. The dog owner understood that if help did not arrive soon and the water continued to rise, he would have to climb onto a structure in the kennel. But, fortunately, the problem was resolved: volunteers found a place where so many dogs could be evacuated. On the shores of Volna Beach, volunteers and rescuers in inflatable boats take hungry animals out of flooded cages. The animals escaped with a slight fright.
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