Mrs. Kim Reads Apple Pie ABC (READ-ALOUD)

Mrs. Kim reads Apple Pie ABC by Alison Murray. This is a great book for kids who are learning their letters. __________ 💌 Please EMAIL Mrs. Kim: mrskimsbuildingblocks@gmail. com ♥︎ Please SUBSCRIBE to support our YouTube channel: 📸 Please FOLLOW US on Instagram @mrskimsbuildingblocks for live updates: 🔗 Please VISIT OUR WEBSITE for additional resources and more information about Mrs. Kim: Credit: Apple Pie ABC by Alison Murray Link: =sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=apple pie abc&qid=1613092249&sr=8-1 ISBN: 978-1423136941 #ApplePieABC #AlisonMurray #KidsBooks #LearningLetters #LettersKids #Books #Reading #BooksaboutAlphabet
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