Governments Hid This Invention for MONEY

Governments Hid This Invention for MONEY The water-powered engine was invented many years ago by Stanley Meyer. Later other inventors integrated this technology into motorcycles. With these motorcycles they could travel hundreds of kilometers with a single refill of water, but this did not interest the oil magnates and they managed to keep this technology hidden to this day. In our previous video we modified a motorcycle so that it ran 100% on water. We achieved this by incorporating highly efficient electrolysis equipment into the back of our motorcycle that was capable of breaking down water molecules to obtain the best fuel that exists: Hydrogen. Many of you asked us if we could incorporate the electrolysis equipment inside the fuel tank to make the bike more aesthetically pleasing. We also added some security measures to be able to homologate our motorcycle. In this video you can see the surprising and wonderful result of our motorcycle, since it is capable of traveling more th
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