52 Portaits- 2. Flora Wellesley Wesley

《52幅肖像》是一個耗時一年的數碼影像表演項目,在2016年歐洲的表演藝術圈引起了轟動。在這一年中,該項目每周發佈一位舞者的舞蹈肖像,從多元的背景和身體實踐的豐富呈現中揭示了不同藝術家的創作,伴隨著音樂化的歌唱自白,構建了一幅幅舞者的肖像。《52幅肖像》提出以一種徹底不同的新視角看待舞者的形象。 **由編舞師喬納森·布羅斯、作曲家馬提歐·法金及視頻製作人雨果·格蘭丁寧共同構思及創作。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ’52 Portraits’ a year long digitalized performance which caused a sensation in the European arts community in 2016. The project released a portrait of a different dance artist every week throughout the year, revealing the work of artists from a wealth of diverse backgrounds and physical practices, and framing each portrait with a sung autobiography of the subject. 52 Portraits invites a radical new way of looking at the image of the dancer. **Conceived and created by choreographer Jonathan Burrows, composer Matteo Fargion and video maker Hugo Glendinning’
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