How to Wear Detachable Collars! (+ Cuffs & Bibs!)

This video will hopefully give you some insight on how to wear detachable collars, and all the small bits and pieces you’ll need to know surrounding them. It is as simple as attaching it to your studs, but there is also a lot of specific language and other aspects to know about, such as stud pockets, stud pullers, cuff holders and retainers! I’ve also included how to wear cuffs and bibs as they’re all related to each other, and I’m hoping to give you everything you need to wear authentic Victorian and Edwardian shirts in one place! If you’re wondering which collars, cuffs and bibs were aroun...d in what decades of the Victorian era, or perhaps the Edwardian era, then fear not - for I am currently writing a video all about the history of collars, where we will see new styles develop and fade away throughout the decades - so stay tuned for that one!
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