Bay of Pigs Invasion launched by the CIA-sponsored Brigade 2506 #shorts

On 17th April 1961 the Bay of Pigs Invasion was launched by the CIA-sponsored Brigade 2506. The invasion saw over 1,400 American-trained Cuban exiles attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro who had come to power in 1959 during the Cuban Revolution. US President Dwight D. Eisenhower allocated $13.1 million to the CIA to train counter-revolutionary Cuban exiles and, on 4 April 1961, his successor John F. Kennedy authorised the final invasion plan. While the seaborne invasion force gathered in Guatemala, a smaller group of exiles attacked Cuban airfields. Nevertheless the amphibious assault quickly began to go wrong. The exiles from Brigade 2506 suffered 114 deaths and the capture of over a thousand others at the hands of the Cuban Army. In the aftermath, the fledgling Cuban government developed closer links with the USSR that led to the Cuban Missile Crisis the following year.
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