HURLED From Balcony—Her 2-Month-Old, 6-Pound Body Left Crumpled on Sidewalk, Stripped of Mobility

----- (TW: GRAPHIC CONTENT) Today, this tiny, wholly-innocent creature is facing the devastating aftermath of senselessly cruel brutality.– Brutality delivered at the hands of a human. Brutality she most certainly did not deserve. Because, in the darkest hours of the night, an unimaginable act of violence shattered the life of this innocent, 2-month-old soul—baby Marigold. As if she was nothing more than an unwanted toy, a heartless individual picked up Marigold’s fragile, still-developing 6-pound body and hurled it from a balcony—leaving her to crash onto the cold, unforgiving sidewalk below. NYPD officers found her lying there, motionless, after receiving a call from a frantic witness stating that someone had thrown her from a balcony. Filthy, with a distended belly—a small, broken body, carrying the crushing weight of unimaginable cruelty. We knew we couldn’t - and wouldn’t - let her fight this fight alone. Not after she’d suf
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