Hello roses! Welcome back to another video of Hanehrose! Today’s video is about ways to fill up an empty notebook! Thank you so, so much for 90 subs! I wouldn’t have been continously make videos without your guys support! Enjoy the video! ☁️
name: Haneh
editing: capcut
Yt thumbnail: canva
Sub count,
90 subs!
The picture in the video is not mines
The music in the video is not mines
Pictures are from pinterest
Chillpeach - 2:00 AM
The copyright from the music and illustrations belongs to Chillpeach
credits goes to Chillpeach for the music in the video
If one of your photos or music is in the video and don’t feel comfortable or happy letting it be in my video, please contact
Thank you!
Have a great day/night! ♡