Scherzo #1 in B minor, Op. 20 Valentina Lisitsa

***Scherzo No. 1 in B minor, Op. 20, is a composition for solo piano written by Frédéric Chopin and dedicated to Thomas Albrecht. As to the genesis of this Scherzo, little is known beyond the 1835 publication date, though it is presumed to have been completed around 1833. The piece begins with the tempo marking Presto con fuoco. The piece is dark, dramatic, and lively. It is complex and considered to be one of Chopin’s more difficult works. ***WIKI =sr_1_2?crid=3JP5KKYFXTW35&keywords=lisitsa chopin&qid=1668348965&sprefix=lisitsa cho,aps,282&sr=8-2
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