25 Game Dev Tips for Beginners (Tips & Tricks)

Check out @Goodgis amazing video: ► Learn how to become a full time game dev, free: ► Enroll in my 3D workshop, free!: ► Make your game instantly beautiful with my free workbook: ► Get my 2D game kit, free: ► Join my 2D character workshop, free: ► Wishlist Twisted Tower: ► Learn how to make money as a YouTuber: ► What I believe: 00:00 Intro 00:14 Clean Code Isn’t That Important 00:30 Begin Marketing Before You Start Your Game 01:00 Unity Vs. Unreal Doesn’t Matter 01:10 Focus On Your First and Last Level 01:32 Get To The Point With Your Trailer 01:43 Strive To Understand Player Psychology 01:54 Don’t Compete With AAA 02:07 Sound Is Half Of Your Game 02:25 Get Feedback From Your Audience ASAP 02:38 Take A Course 03:34 Take A Break 03:46 Release 2 Crappy Games 04:05 Surround Yourself With Successful Game Devs 04:20 Utilize Color Despite Your Talent 04:36 Join A Game Dev Community 04:44 Don’t Think About “Gameplay Length“ 05:07 Every Game Dev Feels Overwhelmed 05:37 Don’t Let Game Devs Make You Feel Stupid 06:05 Multiplayer Is Profitable 06:19 Focus On Streamability 06:40 Use Assets 06:58 Prototype First 07:14 Give Yourself An Hourly Rate 07:42 Focus On A Solid Hook 08:01 Finish A Polished Demo
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