Most Dangerous Ways to School | Brazil | Free Documentary

Most Dangerous Ways to School - Brazil Most Dangerous Ways To School - Nicaragua: In the Amazonas region of Brazil, education is a sought-after asset. To get it, children must constantly overcome an array of different challenges. It is a journey across lakes and rivers, just for one goal: School. Because this is their chance to break out of poverty and create a better life. For this, they subject themselves to a daily dose of danger. Like the ten-year-old Alice, her sister and the other schoolchildren. Some of them must walk through the rain forest in the Amazonas region, the most biodiverse region in the world. Others need to paddle eight kilometers twice a day to get to school and back home. The Rio Negro River is the greatest challenge of all. It is the second-largest tributary in the world. And in some places, up to twenty-seven kilometres wide. The children have to face high waves, harsh weather conditions and crocodiles in the water. While only a
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