Dance: ‘The Artistry of Tea’ – Fuding White Tea |《非遗里的中国》创新秀演节目《茗·心》——福鼎白茶制作 | CNODDT

Choreographer: Guo Haifeng Composer: Ji Peng Pipa: Wang Jing Guzheng: Wang Xiaoqian Bamboo Flute & Xiao (a vertical end-blown flute): Chen Yuzhuo Performance: Symphony Orchestra, Chinese Folk Music Troupe and Dance Troupe of CNODDT China’s tea culture has a long history. White tea, silver like snow, are hand picked to dry without frying or kneading. Deducing the process of making white tea such as tea-leaf picking, drying, and serving, “The Artistry of Tea” brings to life this intangible cultural heritage via an elegant and agile performance by CNODDT artists. This performance is an excerpt from the CCTV cultural program “Intangible Cultural Heritages of China“ which revives Chinese intangible cultural heritages through innovative, aesthetic and immersive performances. 编导:郭海峰 作曲:吉鹏 琵琶:王婧 古筝:王晓
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