Monster Hunter: World - Pride of a Nameless Hunter 【Intense Symphonic Metal Cover】

▶️ 👍 smash that like and subscribe for more! 🔔 Intense Symphonic Metal Cover of Pride of a Nameless Hunter from Monster Hunter: World OST. Some of you suggested this in the comments, so here we go! ►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►► ✍️ original track: 名もなき狩人の矜持 / Pride of a Nameless Hunter by Tadayoshi Makino 🔨 transcribed, arranged, and produced by Michał “FalKKonE“ Sokołowski 🎨 art: Monster Hunter World promo art by Capcom ►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►► 📜 playlist 💿 full album: soon! 🎵 spotify 🎵 itunes 🎶 all ►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►► 💩 facebook 🐤 twitter 📸 instagram ►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►► 🦅 membership 🤖 discord 👕 merch ❓ FAQ 💰 legal music distribution
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