Abu Ramada Island Divespot Hurghada Red Sea
Abu Ramada Island Divespot Hurghada Red Sea
Abu Ramada Island Carlsons Corner Divespot Red Sea
About 60 to 90 minutes out of Hurghada we hit Abu Ramada, comprising a northern plateau, a big three-peaked erg going by the name of camel reef, a coral garden and a terrace-profiled plateau. The Gota part of Abu Ramada is called the aquarium after the overwhelming amount of marine life.
Abu Ramada Island Carlsons Corner Divespot Red Sea
Abu Ramada, exposed as it is, has retained much of its untouched beauty. There are better places than the drop-off here. Your air is more wisely spent circling the three ergs at ascending depths. Visit the small eaves on the east side of the largest erg and north side of the middle one.
Abu Ramada Island Carlsons Corner Divespot Red Sea
Diving in Abu Ramada
The island of Abu Ramada is surrounded by excellent dive sites, well protected from most weathers and Abu Ramada East has caves full of glass fish and lionfish. As marine life you will find schools of groupers, barracudas, tunas and Napoleons. Abu Ramada is suitable for all levels of divers.
Gota Abu Ramada
Gota Abu Ramada consists of a huge coral block, located close to Abu Ramada from which the name gota, piece, has been derived. This small site, on a group of coral pinnacles just offshore from Abu Ramada, is an incredibly dense collection of the best in coral growth and reef fishes. The pinnacles are carpeted in rich layers of coral, with colourful soft corals predominating, along with some gorgonians.
Abu Ramada Island Carlsons Corner Divespot Red Sea
This place is famous for its huge amount and variety of soft and hard corals with dominance of brain corals, the largest and most beautiful in the region.
Erg Abu Ramada
Erg Abu Ramada located on the south-eastern side of Abu Ramada Island. At this dive site, you will find a lot of pinnacles, close together and forming a line, on a sandy plateau at a depth of 18 meters. The biggest pinnacle is fully inhabited with glassfish and lionfish. All pinnacles are covered with pretty gorgonians. As marine life, you will find schools of groupers, barracudas, tunas, and Napoleon. Erg Abu Ramada is suitable for all levels of divers.
Abu Ramada Island Carlsons Corner Divespot Red Sea
Abu Ramada South
Abu Ramada South situated on the southern side of Abu Ramada Island. It is a popular dive site and it is sheltered. In this area, there is also a caveat about 20 meters depth, where you can spot a sea star, an octopus or lionfish. South-west of the reef you will find a steep drop off with pinnacles where moray eels and sweetlips are permanent residents.
Abu Ramada Island Carlsons Corner Divespot Red Sea
On the west side of Abu Ramada South, you can go through a nice coral garden where you may encounter turtles. There is a long coral formation with on the other side an amazing marine life, such as lionfish and Glassfish. There is even an eel garden. Morays, blue-spotted stingrays and Napoleon are regularly passing by. On the way back to the boat, you will go over beautiful coral blocks where you may find crocodile fish or a school of goatfish.
Abu Ramada North
This is mostly done as a drift dive, due to the rough sea conditions. But if the current is good, it can be done as a normal dive. It is also called “The Aquarium” due to the enormous marine life you can encounter at this side of the reef.
Abu Ramada Island Carlsons Corner Divespot Red Sea
It starts on a beautiful plateau, heading towards a sheer bottomless drop-off.
The wall is covered with gorgonians and soft corals. Into the blue, you can spot barracudas, tuna, jacks and from time to time even eagle rays and reefs.
Carlsons Corner Divespot
Max. depth 30m, 60min journey Dive site at the south west of Abu Ramada Island. On the west side shallow sandy bottom with lots of small, nice covered coral blocks. You can find an eel garden, and also a lot of morays, Blue-spotted stingrays and frequently Napoleons. In the south direction east the plateau is ending up in a steep slope with a lot of small caverns.
Abu Ramada Island Carlsons Corner Divespot Red Sea
Abu Ramada Island is a must-visit destination for scuba divers exploring the Red Sea’s vibrant marine life. With its stunning coral reefs, colorful fish, and diverse range of marine life, it is no wonder that Abu Ramada is considered one of the best diving spots in Egypt.
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