The Ruins of Khnum Temple At Elephantine Aswan Egypt Attraction

The Ruins of Khnum Temple At Elephantine Aswan Egypt Attraction The Ruins of Khnum Temple At Elephantine Aswan Egypt Attraction The Ruins of Khnum Temple At Elephantine Island According to the ancient Egyptian religion and Kushite religion, Elephantine was the dwelling place of Khnum, the ram-headed god of the cataracts, who guarded and controlled the waters of the Nile from caves beneath the island. He was worshipped here as part of a late triad of Egyptian deities. The Ruins of Khnum Temple At Elephantine Island This “Elephantine Triad“ included Satis and Anuket. Satis was worshipped from very early times as a war goddess and protector of this strategic region of Egypt. When seen as a fertility goddess, she personified the bountiful annual flooding of the Nile, which was identified as her daughter, Anuket. The cult of Satis originated in the ancient city of Aswan. The Ruins of Khnum Temple At Elephantine Island Later, when the triad was formed, Khnum became identified as her consort and, thereby, was thought of as the father of Anuket. His role in myths changed later and another deity was assigned his duties with the river. At that time his role as a potter enabled him to be assigned a duty in the creation of human bodies. related vedios: Tombs of the Nobles in Aswan Egypt Attractions Obelisk un finished Aswan Temple of Philae on Elephantine Island Fatimid Cemetery in Aswan The Ruins of Khnum Temple At Elephantine Island Obelisk un finished Aswan Egypt Attraction Aswan River Nile Dam Egypt Attraction landmark Mausoleum of Aga Khan Agha Khan Mausoleum in Aswan
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