Huun Huur Tu and Carmen Rizzo: Eternal

Ancestors Call, a song from a new album by Huun Huur Tu and Carmen Rizzo: Eternal. The album release date is early August 2009 For more Eternal Music visit and . Photography by Vladislav Efimov Ancestors Eei, Ene-Saiym Sayan Tandym Enisey [Mother River] and powerful Sayan mountains Egyyr shagdan churttum chyve Have been my motherland from ancient times Erii khoiyg sygyt khoomei Sweet songs of sygyt and khoomei [styles of throatsinging] Erte shagdan yrym chyve Have been my song from ancient times Khoomei sygyt ogbeleri Even though ancestors of sygyt and khoomei Kojee dashtar apparza daa Turned into stone babas [ancient stone figures] Khorek chyrek khaiymnaldyr For our soul and heart to be alive Khoomeileer tolder bister We, your descendants, sing khoomei and sygyt Kargyraanyn ogbeleri Even though the ancestors of kargyraa [throatsinging style] Khaiya dashche khuulza d
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