1959 Lincoln Commercial with “Harper Bazaar’s Most Beautiful Woman“

Julia Meade is the Hostess of this commercial. It was created by J. Walter Thompson Company for Lincoln. Harper’s Bazaar Worlds Most Attractive Woman, Mrs. Gail Whitney Cowell’s father was Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney, Film Producer and Philanthropist. Mrs. Cowell was married to Richard Cox Cowell and divorced in one year, in 1959. On March 6th 1959, Mrs. Cowell (at the age of 20) told the newspapers, “I’m going to get a divorce as soon as my lawyer can arrange it.”. Her Husband Richard Cox Cowell age 35 at the time claimed, “As far as I am concerned, everything is alright.”. On April 20th 1961, the former Mrs. Cowell married Louis S. Stur. Sadly Mrs. Gail Vanderbilt (Whitney) Stur died on September 13, 1963 at the age of 24 at the Memorial Hospital for Cancer and Allied Disease. Such a short life, amazingly sad. So hard to believe that sadness she would go thru after this commercial aired. Nobody knows what happened to the Lincoln. Julia Meade passed away in 2016 at the age of 90. OsbornTramain® is a registered trademark and it’s unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
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