Want to support this channel and help us preserve old films? Visit Visit our website This untitled film from 1969 was produced by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for use by the press, and as publicity for the upcoming Apollo XI mission. In the film, astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Edwin Aldrin discuss their upcoming Apollo 11 Moon Landing Mission. Each astronaut is interviewed individually and are asked a few questions about their specific roles and duties during the mission itself as well as their thoughts on the impact the mission will have on mankind for years to come. Apollo 11 was the American spaceflight that first landed humans on the moon and launched from Cape Kennedy on July 16th, 1969. The mission marked a turning point for space exploration and successfully completed the national goal set by President John F. Kennedy eight years prior to perform a crewed lunar landing and return to Earth. Astronaut Neil Armstrong, command pilot for the Apollo 11 Moon Landing Mission, at a press conference (0:11). Explanation of Neil Armstrong’s duties and tasks in the Command Module and the Lunar Module (1:01). Explanation of what will be happening just before the Lunar Module touches down on the moon (2:02). Armstrong’s feelings on being compared to Christopher Columbus as an explorer of a “new world” (2:35). Astronaut Michael Collins, Command Module pilot for the Apollo 11 Mission, at the same press conference (4:46). Michael Collins’ predictions of what will come from the Apollo 11 Mission (4:57). How Michael Collins views his role as Command Module pilot (5:44). Michael Collins answers if he will be busy while flying along in the Command Module (6:17). Astronaut Edwin Aldrin, Lunar Module pilot for the Apollo 11 mission, at the same press conference (7:45). The first thing Aldrin and Armstrong will do after landing (7:53). Aldrin on exploring the Moon’s surface (spacewalk or EVA and collecting samples) (9:21-12:19) We encourage viewers to add comments and, especially, to provide additional information about our videos by adding a comment! See something interesting? Tell people what it is and what they can see by writing something for example: “01:00:12:00 -- President Roosevelt is seen meeting with Winston Churchill at the Quebec Conference.“ This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD, 2k and 4k. For more information visit
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