1980s Los Angeles, Celebrity Look-Alike Convention, 35mm

1980s Los Angeles, Celebrity Look Alike Convention, 35mm from the Kinolibrary Archive Film Collections. Clip ref XR135.1 available in 4K. For commercial projects only. To order the clip clean and high res, or to find out more about our various archive collections, visit . Discover our brilliant range of archive footage here: ’Marilyn’ standing with other celebrity impersonators for photos. Including Barry Gibb and Barbara Streisand, Clark Gable and Lauren Bacall. Queen Elizabeth II impersonator with Ron Smith (head of Ron Smith’s Celebrity Look-Alikes) posing for cameras/ news teams. Dolly Parton and Burt Reynolds Streisand and Marilyn Monroe impersonators with each other. Tootsie impersonator posing for photos next to a Columbo impersonator. Nancy and Ronald Reagen impersonators surrounded by crowds of photographers. The entire group of impersonators at the convention pose for a group photo. Including:
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