Geology of the Richat Structure - Atlantis Center City? | Randall Carlson - Kosmographia Clips 009.1
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This clip is extracted from Episode 009:
Kosmographia Episode 009 / Atlantis Mystery - Evidence Revealed (pt7), from 9/25/19. RC joins the Snake Bros - Kyle and Russ, Normal Guy Mike, and GeocosmicREX admin Bradley for an in-depth look at the Richat formation in Mauritania of western Africa. Too large to be the actual location for the concentric-ringed Atlantis city, but curious details do emerge from the study, and the comparisons to other ancient ringed sites.
RC first encounter with Richat in scientific works – French geologist thought he found Coesite
Forms under high pressure events like impacts -Requires 300,000 psi
Was misidentification: x-ray reflections due to barite
Breccia defined; Russ asks for differ