Climatic Optimum - Sustainable Ideal Global Temperature? | Randall Carlson -Kosmographia Clips 006.1

Check out his Plato’s Atlantis “Back to the Source“ VoD presentation on howtube: Two 3 hour lectures available On Demand for $33 with your new Free howtube account. This clip is extracted from Episode 006: Kosmographia Episode 006 / Atlantis Mystery - Evidence Revealed (pt4), from 9/03/19. RC joins the Snake Bros - Kyle and Russ, Normal Guy Mike, and GeocosmicREX admin Bradley. Arc of learning since the Renaissance that has allowed us these communication technologies Some optimum state of climate that we’re supposed to achieve and sustain? “Climatic Optimum” a degree or two warmer than now, changed name to Hypsithermal Gave way to neo-glacial period during mid-Holocene; deterioration of climate culminates in LIA Medieval Warm Period allowed more productive agriculture, increase in stature and life-span Plagues came early in the onset of LIA, halted the construction of great cathedrals Warming
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