Inside The Cockpit - F-5E Tiger II

From Freedom Fighter to Tiger II to ’MiG-28’, the Northrop F-5 has quite the career. - Support Patreon: Channel Memberships: PayPal: - Museum Visit Clin d’Ailes in Payerne - Social Media Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: - Sources T.0. 1F-5E·1, Flight Manual F-5E/F, 1984 Lou Drendel, F-5 in Action, Bert Kinzey, F-5E & F Tiger II William F. Georgi, F-84 and F-5 in Robin Hugham et. al. Flying Combat Aircraft of USAAF-USAF, Jakob Urech, The Aircraft of the Swiss Air Force since 1914 -Time codes 0:00 - Intro 1:22 - Northrop F-5 2:31 - Development of F-5 6:18 - Production of F-5 ...7:15 - Design of F-5 10:46 -
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