9КМ-11 Овчинникова Полина, Пратасевич Лариса,Смирнов Вадим, Овтова Ева, Прохорова Лиза, Рудакова Злата, Савенкова Саша, Самойлова Алёна, Самойлова Дарина, Фридман Элина.
I work all night, I work all day,
to pay the bills I have to pay –
ain’t it sad?
And still, there never seems to be
a single penny left for me –
that’s too bad!
In my dreams, I have a plan:
if I got me a wealthy man,
I wouldn’t have to work at all,
I’d fool around and have a ball.
Money, money, money –
must be funny
in the rich man’s world.
Money, money, money –
always sunny
in the rich man’s world.
All the things I could do
if I had a little money…
It’s a rich man’s world.
It’s a rich man’s world.
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