Rainstorm Sounds for Relaxing, Focus or Deep Sleep. Nature White Noise. 10 Hour Video

Shower sounds for relaxation, concentration or deep sleep. White noise of nature. 10 hour video Melodious background sounds of rain on the lake will help you fall asleep. It is raining on the lake, heavy rain and raindrops are pouring heavily on the surface of the lake. White rain noise helps with insomnia, if you can’t fall asleep, then the sounds of rain will help you get distracted from problems, relieve stress, and restore your nervous system. Melodies and sounds of rain soothe, relieve nervous tension, help to relax and unwind. If you want to relax, unwind and have a good night’s sleep, then the white noise of the rain will be a great helper. The white sounds of the rain soothe and help you fall asleep. I love to listen to the rain when I go out of town, and sometimes I want to listen to the rain at home. I turn on the rain music in the player and relax during the rain. Rain on the lake calms the nervous system, relieves stress. The sounds of rain help me distract myself from worries an
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