Django To-do App

In this video, I take a quick dive into the Django Framework and build from scratch a To-do web application. This project covers building an interface using bootstrap for the interface and the CRUD functionalities of a database-driven application. Follow me on: Twitter: Facebook: Introduction and Preview:(0:00) Creating Todo project: (4:20) Django help command: (9:00) Creating Todo app: (10:08) Creating Views: (13:52) Creating URL Routes: (15:19) Register App in : (20:35) Rendering Views in browser: (21:38) Designing the Frontend: (28:00) Adding Bootstrap to templates: (28:12) Django Template Tags: (29:30) Creating the Models: (46:34) Migrating the Models: (50:09) Working in the Django Admin Panel: (52:11) Creating a superuser: (52:56) Register Model in Admin and working with it: (54:50) Rendering Data onto the the interface from views: (58:00) Making the CREAT FUNCTION: Creating ModelForms with module: (1:08:02)
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