Sling/Fanny Bag with RFID Zipper Pocket, using Copper Faraday Fabric for privacy protection. DIY

I made a Sling/Fanny Bag with fabric cut out from old dress. The bag strap are adjustable, so that it’s a Sling Bag when the strap is longer, and became a Fanny Bag when the strap is shorter. The Interior Zipper Pocket is made of RFID fabric to store important things like wallet and credit cards. I bought the RFID Copper Faraday fabric from Amazon. =sr_1_5?crid=1IEJYQF5RPTF3&keywords=RFID+fabric&qid=1704954991&sprefix=rfid+fabric,aps,223&sr=8-5&th=1 I included my Sling/Fanny Bag’s pattern for you as reference. Click the link below for the pattern. Don’t forget to check out my other videos, and visit Website: Instagram: Behance: Redbubble:
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