While playing Apex together in preparation for the upcoming CR Cup, Towa does something that raises the eyebrows of Korean teammates Bora and Selly.
Earlier in the same stream, Towa also happens to learn a rather infamous Korean swear...
Originally aired on May 7, 2021.
╬ Streamer Info ╬
Name: Tokoyami Towa (常闇トワ)
Towa-sama is a kindhearted and angel-like... devil? 🤔 Anyway, Towa takes gaming seriously and enjoys putting in her best effort no matter what game it is, though she’s well-known for being an avid FPS gamer. Her only weakness in gaming is horror game
...s. Legends say that the kenzokus (her fans) die inside whenever Towa plays horror games when she gets scared to the point of needing to stop streaming. Despite wanting to act as a prankster to fit her character as a devil, more often than not, she behaves endearingly and causes the kenzokus toShow more