Natsuiro Matsuri talks about how she became close friends with Luna [Eng Sub/Hololive]

Natsuiro Matsuri talks on Kiara’s Holotalk about what it was about Luna that caught her attention and how the two soon became close friends. There’s also a little bit of a TeeTee story for sorely neglected FestivaLuna fans around the world... 【The Sauce】 Natsuiro Matsuri Channel 夏色まつり → Source:  【HOLOTALK】With our 12th guest: NATSUIRO MATSURI! #HOLOTALK #ホロトーク → Outro Song: 白日 / King Gnu (Covered by 夏色まつり&律可) → 【Extra Stuff】 Stalk me on Twitter: @DranDran2 → If you have any clip requests let me know in comments or Twitter! #hololive #Vtuber #VtuberEn #ホロライブ #natsuiromatsuri
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