Ai, Ai, Ai, Mutillak - Basque Carlist Song (100 Subs Special)

Note: (*his not is) I made a typo at 1:45. Sry.😅 Thanks to all for 100 subs and more. Here enjoy this song. This song was popular during the third Carlist War (1872-1876) and was sung by the Basque Carlists who where at that time quite unhappy spains current situation. The Queen of Spain Isabella II has abdicated just in the hope of the Don Carlos VII who were trying to run spain in a traditional sence but to bad that the crown went to the Savoy-Aosta Amadeo a liberal and freemason. He ruled for a couple of years until he to abdicated too. Then the Parlament decided to abolish the monarchy and decleared the first Spanish Republic it`s existance was shorter than Amadeos reign. Result the Republic got couped and the liberal branch of the Spanish Borbon got restored ending the Carlist war in a defeat for the Carlists. But the cause lives on.
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