Here is a compilation of various works created by the community, rendered using Karma XPU. Karma XPU is currently in beta and under active development. Big thank-you to the following artists who shared their work and contributed to the reel (in order of appearance):
Christopher Rutledge @tokyomegaplex
Mojtaba Oriuee @dreamnerd_art
Tim Van Helsdingen @TvanHelsdingen
Ruinan Wang
Hugh Johnson @Hugh_J_
Rich Lord @rich_lord
José León Molfino @Jose_Molfino
Thomas Klyhn Christensen @SquidbeanThomas
Andriy Bilichenko
Saša Budimir @SasaBudimir
Adam Swaab @adamswaab
Mark Fancher @feedback55
Masao Hieno @masaohieno1
Lyon Rosenblatt
Sebastian Schoellhammer @sebschoellhammer
Carlos Parmentier @CarlosParmenti8
Peter Dravecký
Loïc Bauer @z8editing