Unveiling Connections between Mathematical Constants: The Conservative Matrix Field

We present new research on fundamental mathematical constants and introduce the innovative concept of conservative matrix fields. This concept was uncovered through the generalization of a vast number of continued fraction formulas of mathematical constants. The conservative matrix field not only unifies thousands of existing formulas but also generates an infinite number of new ones. Moreover, it reveals unexpected connections between various mathematical constants and enables new proofs of irrationality. The crucial role of a massively parallel computer algorithm in making these discoveries is also highlighted, showcasing the prospects of future computational approaches in mathematics. These recent findings were made available via pre-print here: Why fast convergence of a formula to a constant proves its irrationality: We are grateful to the volunteers in the BOINC community whose contribution made this discovery possible. Created by Eyal Kalman and Michael Shalyt from the Ramanujan Machine team at the Technion. Visit to learn more. #some3
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